Leadership versus management, isn’t it the same thing?
Leaders set goals and direction, challenging the norm, and seeking new ways of working towards goals.
Managers on the other hand maintain the status quo.
They specialise on conformance to the standard.
They manage their teams and individuals.
And they organise, direct and control to achieve goals.
Leadership versus management, although relatively easy to distinguish between the two, is complex because many people are both. The Manager has the unfortunate paradox of controlling systems, resource and standards.
They have to ensure that everywith works to plan and that all is in order. But it doesn’t stop their. They have to also lead teams to achieve unchartered boundaries and new ways of working.
If you think about it and based on theories of Leadership, dictating through an autocratic management style will not win the hearts and minds of individuals. This in turn will create more damage than good for the long term, so Leadership plays an important role in leading and motivating the teams to achieve new things.
Management normally focuses on work and tasks. These activities fit within the subject of resource: Human, time, Money, and equipment, including:
Leadership focuses on achieving nice shiny goals, keeping the team motivated and empowered to achieve as much as they can.
It’s also about getting the best out of each individual for the benefit of the team.
It’s about leading by example, inspiring, empowerment.
It’s about creating the most conducive environment for team success:
Leadership versus management table to compare the two
The bottom line is; as a leader / manager, you must adopt both stances.
Sometimes you may have to ensure that performance is to plan (managing goals). And other times, you may need to set knew goals and inspire new ways of thinking.
Unfortunately, it is not either / or; it’s both.
Those that think it’s an either / or, will hamper the development and motivation of the team:
If you think you’re just a manager, then chances are you are missing a load of opportunity to achieve new heights of team success. Also, if this is you, spend some time finding out what your employees think of you and how they feel in their roles.
Chances are, they may not be that impressed.
On the other end of the spectrum, if you think you are just a leader, then there may be some things you may be missing out on, and that could be structure and systems to support the team.
If you lack management skills, then you may be seen as too informal and off the hoof in decision making. You may not have a handle on the things that keep the team and business moving forward.
The bottom line is that you need to mix both up. The best leaders and managers are interchangeable. Often though, too many are either / or. They mis vital tasks to really drive team success.
Where are you? Take note of each line item in the diagram above, and identify where you need to improve and when and begin to take action.
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